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E-Blast: DFCS Commercial Sexual Exploitation/Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Case Management Protocol

February 16, 2016 11:58 AM

Dear Providers:

The DFCS Commercial Sexual Exploitation/Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Case Management Protocol, which includes each region’s CSEC protocol, is available at

CSEC is a sub-set of the comprehensive issue of Human Trafficking. Human Trafficking also encompasses the term Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking or DMST. CSEC is the broader term which includes all nationalities of persons under the age of 18 years who are commercially sexually exploited whereas DMST refers specifically to American citizens under the age of 18 years who are commercially sexually exploited.

As the state’s child welfare agency, ensuring the safety and well-being of children and youth under the age of 18 years is the responsibility of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS). This CSEC/DMST protocol therefore outlines the procedures that DFCS will utilize for investigations, services and support to these minors and their families.This protocol results in a rapid referral to community and state resources that combine to produce a collaborative effort on the part of multiple agencies working alongside DFCS to address the very complex and difficult needs of child victims or suspected victims of commercial sexual exploitation. The CSEC/DMST Protocol seeks to create a targeted response in order to better address the needs of CSEC/DMST victims.

Questions regarding the Protocol may be directed to your OPM monitoring team manager.

Division of Family and Children Services
Office of Communication