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Looking for the RBWO MATCH Screening Summary (RBWO MSS)? Now you'll need the Universal Application
RBWO Placement MATCH Tracking Form (& additional pages) -- used by DFCS to document efforts to MATCH children into RBWO placements
RBWO Referral Process Flowchart-- overview of the RBWO referral and application process.
Selecting the best placement with the highest performing RBWO provider is now possible with the MATCH! E-Tool.
The MATCH! E-Tool is a placement search tool that pulls information in real-time from provider's data in GA+SCORE. It was developed to support DFCS case managers in finding RBWO placements. The MATCH! E-Tool does the following:
  • Allows for multiple, flexible search options;
  • Returns results using real-time capacity information on CCIs and CPA foster homes;
  • Sorts by the provider's current Performance Based Placement quarterly grade.
With the MATCH! E-Tool, it's no longer necessary to call providers to see if they have space available. MATCH! E-Tool returns results for placement matches of providers who actually have space available, in order of their Performance Based Placement grade.
To learn more about placement matching and the MATCH! E-Tool, please watch the following informational webinar:

Before using the MATCH! E-Tool, print the Search Selections here.

For detailed user information about the MATCH! E-Tool, including viewing and sorting results, click here.

Click the button to use the MATCH E-Tool!

Important Note: MATCH! E-Tool results provide the last name of CPA caregivers who meet your search criteria. This in no way implies that DFCS Case Managers are authorized to make direct placements with CPA foster parents. Instead, having the foster parent's name simply gives DFCS Case managers more information to discuss with the CPA regarding potential matches.


RBWO Provider Profile Guide

Looking for a comprehensive directory of all Child Placement Agencies (CPAs) and Child Caring Institutions (CCIs)? The RBWO Provider Profile Guide, updated quarterly, is a comprehensive listing of all approved RBWO providers. The Guide is composed of all RBWO provider profiles and includes the quarterly Performance Based Placement score/grade, description of services and contact information. Click the button below to download the Guide (PDF).

Last updated 5/31/2019


RBWO Approved Provider List

Need a simple listing of approved RBWO providers? Click here for a real-time MS Excel download powered by GA+SCORE.