The following links navigate to a Safety Framework video presentation and associated documents from the Casey Safety Summit which was held earlier this year. These materials are shared by the DHS, DFCS, Office of Provider Management with the intent of creating an enhanced learning opportunity for RBWO provider staff. After a link is selected, a pop-up window will require a username (dfcs) and password (DFCS2010) to gain access:
Below are the links to the corresponding documents:
Abilities (MS Word)
Child Vulnerability (MS Word)
Common Fidelity Issues in Safety (MS Word)
Emerging Danger (MS Word)
Handout List (MS Word)
Protective Vulnerability Worksheet (MS Word)
Protective Capacities (MS Word)
Reunification Checklist (MS Word)
Safety and Risk Framework (MS PowerPoint)
Safety Factors (MS Word)
Safety Threats Domains and Examples (MS Word)
Sample Family Case (MS Word)